All Virtual Sessions

All tutoring and coaching sessions are currently virtual to protect you and those around you as well as tutors and coaches.
We have been working online for years and have recording capabilities with permission and as desired.

Online Student Testimonial

Changing students’ math attitude, educational experience, and their self-confidence is why I do what I love: tutoring and academic coaching!! These student changes have a ripple effect making life so much better for all around them as well.

To see my passion in action, click on the photo.

The conversation occurred at the end of an online session. Transcribed and edited in a previous post.

Recorded and shared with permission.

Schedule your free consultation or first session at a time that best fits your schedule.

From Scary to Grateful


scary-mask-with-glassesHalloween was a time of being scared for fun and intentionally.

Math does not need to be a time of being scared or overwhelmed or confused.


Math anxiety can be triggered by:
Signed numbers
Trigonometric functions
Loooong solutions
Application or word problems
Tests or quizzes


Math confidence can be created by:
Identifying and clarifying misunderstandings
Learning in a way that makes sense to you
Practice with assistance
Practice on own





Become thankful that you can use math confidently!


  • Share what causes you math anxiety.
  • What do you want to be grateful about mathematically?

Make an Online Appointment